Change These 3 Things On Your Law Firm’s Website To Get More Clients

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I’m going to start with the good news:

you don’t need to get a whole new website to turn your firm’s website into a new client machine.

Now for the bad news: look savvy lawyers, I’m just gonna say it. There’s a good chance your law firm’s website sucks. It may be pretty, but does it deliver results in the form of new clients? Most law firm websites don’t.

Here are the 3 simple things you need to change on your law firm’s website now to get more clients:

#1. Stop Talking About You

The cold, hard truth is this —> people don’t care about you, they care about themselves. Your website should reflect this reality. People come to your website and all they want to know is how are you going to solve their problem.

To convert website visitors into clients your website needs to do more than talk about how many degrees you’ve got and how many years your law firm has been around for. Change it now to focus on the needs of your visitors. Tell them:

  • The results they can get when they engage you.
  • The experience they can they expect when they work with you.
  • The benefits to them of using you as their lawyer.

Example of what NOT to do:

Client’s problem: “I’ve been fired.”

What your website shouldn’t say:  Hi, I’m Mike Myers and I’ve been practising law for 20 years. I’m a partner and head of litigation for Myers, Myers and Myers and we’re the biggest and most trusted full-service law firm in Myersville and have been around for 140 years. I specialise in these 19 areas of law…”

Example of what to do:

Client’s problem: “I’ve been fired.”

What your website could say: “We’ll tell you what your rights and options are now that your employer has fired you. We’ll recommend a way forward, which might include raising a personal grievance against your employer. We’ll support you through each step of the way at this stressful time.”

#2. Create Urgency 

To turn website visitors into clients, start tugging on their sense of urgency. Why should they contact you now? If you don’t give a compelling reason why now is the right time to contact you, they’ll procrastinate.

Us lawyers know that the sooner a client gets a lawyer involved, the better. So we need to explain this to potential clients in a way they can understand.


Client’s problem: “I’ve just been fired.”

What your website could say:  “Get help quickly after you’ve been fired by calling us now. The sooner you start this process, the more likely you will achieve an outcome you’re happy with.”

#3. Use Compelling Proof

OK, so you can actually talk about you, but not the way you think. Instead of listing your credentials, tell people why you’ve got the expertise and experience to do a good job for them.


Client’s problem: “I’ve just been fired.”

What your website could say:  “Hi, I’m Mike Myers and I’ve been helping employees who have been fired by their employers for 10 years. In that time I’ve helped over 500 fired employees get results. There is only one surefire way to achieve the best possible outcome after you’ve been fired, and that’s to act quickly. So please schedule an appointment with me now.”

When it comes to testimonials, don’t use generic ones. Use testimonials and case studies that address your potential client’s specific pain, like:

“When I got fired, I phoned Mike Myers and he met with me that same day. I was really stressed and embarrassed about being fired, but Mike put me at ease straight away. He listened to me and then explained my options. Mike was clear about his fees and by the end of the session I felt so relieved to have a path forward. Within just a few weeks Mike got me a settlement with my old boss that I am really happy with.” – A. Powers, Myersville

It’s time to create a reliable, repeatable system to get new clients.

Wouldn’t it feel empowering to have a website that consistently generates new clients for you, rather than relying on referrals? This starts with making these three changes to your firm’s website to show potential clients how you can solve their specific problem. When you can explain your client’s pain better than they can, you become the expert.

If you know you need to improve your firm’s website to get new clients, join me on 15 May for my LIVE webinar called 5 Reasons Your Law Firm’s Website Doesn’t Attract New Clients – I’ll show you how you can turn your existing law firm’s website into a new client machine. Register by clicking here.

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