AI driven customizable estate planning software helping small law firms to deliver online legal services
- Optimise your processes
- Drive scalable growth
- Increase revenue
At Firmsy, we help law firm owners who are open to embracing technology to optimise their processes.
If you own a firm in Australia or New Zealand and want to..
- Sell Wills and EPAs on your firm's website
- Draft Wills and EPAs in minutes
- Increase efficiency, productivity and consistency
- Help more people get their estate planning done

Software FEATUReS
For firms
- automated legal document generation
- AI powered engine
- cloud hosted SaaS software product
- unique solution matching your website branding
- customisable client interviews and document templates
- ability to add detailed guidance for the client at each interview step
- client payment at the start or the end of interview
- ability to review generated documents and communicate with the client
- automated notifications about new clients
For firm's clients
- ~20min online interview to create a Will or EPA
- modern, intuitive web interface
- no need for the initial meeting with the lawyer
- legal advice and guidance throughout the interview process
- ability to view interview progress and the next steps
- ability to save and resume at a later stage
- request help from the lawyer at any stage
- transparent pricing for the legal service
- online payment
- client data is secure and password protected

Benefits of using our software vs building a custom solution
Our revolutionary software allows lawyers to create bespoke digital legal solutions that integrate seamlessly into the firm’s website.
- Ready to go, no need for a complex set up
- No development costs and waiting time
- No need to be a technology savvy to make basic changes yourself
- Security and maintenance are take care as a part of the platform