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Private Coaching Invite – with Claudia King

If you want to build a law firm that’s lean, tech-driven, highly profitable and fun (and that you can SELL when you’re ready), read on…

I’m taking everything I’ve learned from owning and selling a 7 figure law firm, growing a 7 figure legal tech business, and working with 500+ law firm owners, and have packaged it into a 1-on-1 private coaching service that is hands-on, high-support and unlike most of what’s available in the legal industry. 


This is a good fit if you know what you need right now is personalised, actionable 1-on-1 coaching (not a group program or course).

Who it’s for:​

This private coaching service is for you if you’re a Law Firm Owner wanting to grow and scale your firm.

If this is you, you’re probably struggling with:

  • Feeling burned out and constantly stressed by your firm.
  • Getting ideal clients consistently.
  • Automating, digitalising and productising your legal services.
  • Inconsistent and unpredictable cashflow.
  • Standing out from your competition.
  • Growing your firm while keeping profit high.
  • Finding and keeping amazing staff who help you grow your firm.
  • Concern about the impact the current economic climate may have on your firm.
  • Figuring out what your “exit plan” from your law firm will eventually be.

If you feel like this is you, here’s what we’ll work on together:


  • Revenue: Predictable clients and more reliable revenue. The goal here is to help you achieve your ambitious but doable revenue goal.

  • Profit: The goal here is to achieve your profit margin goal. I want you to keep more of the money you make. 

  • Simplicity: The goal here is to achieve your revenue and profit goals without needing to offer lots of different legal services in multiple areas of law, having a big team or working more than 4 days per week.

  • Fun: Who you work with (both clients and staff) determines how much fun your work is. I’ll show you how to attract better quality clients and staff, improve client results and increase overall client retention (so you get to work with people you love for years).

  • Time & Energy: The goal here is to create more free space on your calendar – so you can work when you want, where you want, how you want. (And enough margin with time and money for at least 4 weeks off a year.)

  • Exit Strategy: The goal here is build value in your law firm so you can get a great price when you sell your firm (even if you don’t want to exit for 5 – 10+ years or have plans to exit your firm at this point). 

Overall: a lean, simple and fun law firm that you feel confident about selling when you’re ready…..this is basically the opposite of how most law firms operate!!

Your first 6 weeks

The goal here is simple: increase clients and revenue… AND build the team and systems you need to get back to doing the things you love in your law firm (aka your zone of genius).


To do that we’ll focus on 3 things:

Personalised Roadmap

I’ll audit your law firm from Marketing/Sales -> Legal Service Delivery -> Technology -> to identify the gaps holding you back from growth. Then together we’ll figure out exactly what you need so you can focus on the needle-movers, and ignore the rest.

Then we’ll boil it down to an impossible-to-misunderstand 30-day action plan you can tick off day by day. (This is the key to consistent, reliable, stress-free growth.)

Signature Service

The success of your law firm is based on how different you and your legal services are from your competition’s. No one should be able to see your law firm and your legal services and say “you look like everyone else”. And yet, that’s exactly where most lawyers and law firms live.

I’ll help you refine your unique mechanism, and create your core legal services offer… so it’s easy to sell, simple to deliver, and impossible to confuse with the legal services of other law firms.

Then I’ll help you to productise and automate as much of your Signature Service as possible.

Cashflow Campaigns

There are 5 main moves we’ll make to help increase cashflow:

  1. Contacting existing clients

  2. Following up enquiries

  3. Asking for referrals

  4. Posting direct action posts that get quick enquiries

  5. Getting paid in advance

From there we’ll streamline all of the above so it’s as automated, delegated and systemised as it can be, increasing your law firm’s revenue and profit for good.

At the end of your first 16 weeks…

Your monthly revenue will be up

  • Your profit margins will have increased 
  • Your team will have the right people doing the right things
  • You, the Law Firm Owner, will be out of most of the day-to-day and in your zone of genius
  • You will know, without a doubt, the things that are supposed to be getting done, are getting done
  • You’ll have an Exit Plan to sell your law firm that makes everything you’re working towards feel worth it

Here’s what you get:

  • 1 hour onboarding call. Once we kick things off, we jump on a call and create your game-plan – goals, projects, timelines. So you’re feeling crystal clear about next steps.

  • 2 x 45 min 1:1 coaching calls with me a month. I’ll take you through my proven system law firm growth system and hold you accountable to the action items in your plan.

  • Slack channel access to me for any questions you have in between calls.

  • Access to all our most up to date Scale Up curriculum. You’ll have access to all our recorded training and other law firm resources created up to March 2023 (and I’ll only direct you towards the stuff most relevant to you).

Here’s how it works:

What you won’t be getting:

  • Lots of new, unhelpful content to distract you from your plan

  • Handed off to other team members or coaches. You’re working with me alone.

  • A guarantee or promise of any kind. If we work together, I’m invested in you and your success. But I’m not responsible for it. My job is to empower you, not make you codependent on me. My favourite Law Firm Owner clients I’ve worked with for years – and our best case studies – all have one thing in common: Extreme ownership of their law firm and results. I’m looking for more Law Firm Owners like that.

What results can you expect?

Here are some results I’ve helped my clients achieve: